Welcome to

Glenmead Primary School


PSHE and Relationships curriculum statement




At Glenmead, we believe that PSHE and Relationship Education is fundamental to pupils overall development and provides the building blocks for successful learning.  It is therefore an essential part of our curriculum and wider provision. Through our curriculum we aim to  provide  opportunities for the pupils to develop their knowledge of the wider world in which they live. We help them to understand the importance of healthy relationships and the part they play in their family units and wider community. We also want our pupils to have high aspirations, believe in themselves and believe anything is possible if they put their mind to it. 


We want our pupils to :

  • Develop confidence and self belief.
  • Have the knowledge and skills to keep themselves healthy and safe.
  • Show respect and tolerance of others regardless of belief, religion and life choices.
  • Recognise and build positive relationships with other people.
  • Be able to navigate themselves safely around the rapidly changing world of social media, technology and society.
  • Communicate clearly and be able to express their own thoughts, opinions and feelings appropriately and confidently.
  • Make safe, informed choices in life beyond the school gates.



At Glenmead we have written our own scheme of work to ensure that our pupils are equipped with the knowledge and skills they need for the present day but at the same time prepares them for later life. The PSHE and Relationship Education is implemented through a variety of different approaches:

  • Through our school rules- READY, RESPECTFUL, SAFE  
  • Weekly Collective Worship themes
  • Discreet lessons relevant for each year group
  • Through first hand experiences including educational visits, residential trips and forest schools
  • Cross curricular links with many subjects including Computing, Science and physical activity
  • Visiting speakers
  • Circle Time


We use a wide range of resources including:


  • The Birmingham Approach to Relationships and Health Education-Scheme of work for Relationships.
  • myHappymind
  • KiVa - we stand together anti-bullying approach
  • Outside speakers and presenters
  • Resources produced by the PSHE Association
  • Peace Education resources 




Substantive Knowledge Progression Map for PSHE and Relationships.pdf .pdf