Glenmead Primary School

Respect Enjoy Achieve

0121 464 3173





A slightly belated Friday Post this week to round the summer term off.  

This week we were much occupied with giving our Year 6 pupils a memorable last week of term. Our Leavers entertained the school and their parents with a rousing performance on Monday and Tuesday. They enjoyed a disco on Thursday after school and we invited their families into school for a final get together on Friday afternoon. We shed a few tears, enjoyed many conversations and enjoyed memories of the children’s time at Glenmead.  


Celebration assembly:  

There was much to celebrate in our last whole school assembly of the year. The children who joined the Mass Choir event at Symphany Hall entertained the school with a Queen hits medley and posed for a group photograph in the sunshine. Mrs Steatham commented that she had enjoyed the fact that quite a number of our older children had sustained their interest in Choir. They clearly enjoy their singing.  

We congratulated the 21 children from across the school who have avoided any days off for the entire year. There are 3 families amongst them who maintained 100% attendance for all siblings in the family – quite an achievement. Special mention to the Timmins family, the Chambers family and the Rudge family for their exceptional effort to maintain excellent attendance.  

2M came out tops for the highest number of green dojo points for the term. They were treated to a special ice cream sundae at lunchtime and were thrilled to be the winners.  

Sophie, one of our Role Models for 2024, had missed out on the special day out as she had attended her secondary transition day. She was awarded a gift token for the venue, so that she might make a visit to it over the summer. We also caught up with Lewis-Jae, one of our Shining Star nominees. He received his special clap, as did Amba-Ray who received her SotW Certificate from some weeks ago for her exceptional writing.  


House Points:  

The children have done particularly well with accumulating their house points this academic year; quite a number had collected enough to be awarded their final House Point Certificates before the totals were counted. We had quite a few receiving their sapphire and emerald certificates and one quite exceptional ruby certificate for Ivy in Year 5.  


Final house positions for the year were:  

  • 3868 – Kestrels (blue) 
  • 4021 – Hawks (green) 
  • 4382 – Eagles (yellow) 
  • 4541 – Falcons (red) 

House Captains for Falcons, Bella and Harry received the cup for their house.  


Sports Personalities:  

Well done to Rogan and Sally, who were both recognised for their great performance in their kick-rounders in Year 3. Well done also to Raya-Skye and Leah in Sunflowers, who have been busy gaining their swimming badges at lessons out of school.  

We also had a group of young aspiring footballers who brought in medals and trophies from their community clubs. They shared them proudly with the school and spoke confidently about what they had won them for. Congratulations to: Aiyah, Ronnie, Jaxon, Max, Israel and Andre.  


Dates for your diary: 

  • September 3rd pupils back to school 
  • September 4th Year 1 meet the teacher meeting. 9:10, main hall 
  • September 5th Year 2 meet the teacher meeting. 9:10, main hall 
  • September 6th Year 3 meet the teacher meeting. 9:10, main hall 
  • September 10th Year 4 meet the teacher meeting. 9:10, main hall 
  • September 11th Year 5 meet the teacher meeting. 9:10, main hall 
  • September 12th Year 6 meet the teacher meeting. 9:10, main hall 


I feel sure families would want me to thank all the hard-working Glenmead staff for supporting the children through another school year. We would also like to thank our Glenmead families. Your sustained support for the school is very much appreciated. Without us all working together, life at school would be a great deal more challenging.  


If you need to reach out over the summer, contact Ms Allan or Mrs Spencer via Class Dojo message. We will be checking the enquiry inbox periodically also:  



Autumn 2023




























Spring Term 2024









