Welcome to

Glenmead Primary School

Admission Arrangements


From September 2023 Glenmead Primary School will admit 30 pupils in each admission round: 1 class. 

You will receive an application pack in the autumn from Birmingham City Council, entitled 'How to Start Your Child at School in Birmingham'.  Applications are made directly to the Education Authority.

You can apply online using the following link. Application for School Place


In-Year Admissions

During the school year children may be admitted to the school as an in-year admission.  Applications for in-year admissions are made directly to the school, the form can be obtained by contacting the school office or completing this form .


All admissions are subject to the following criteria:-

Admission Criteria

Children are admitted following the local authority order of priority.

1.  Looked after or previously looked after children.

2.  Children with a brother or a sister already at the school who will still be in attendance in September.

                      2.1  have one or both parents in common; or

                      2.2  are related by a parent's marriage; or

                      2.3  are adopted or fostered by a common parent.

3.  Children who live nearest the school.

Within each of the categories, priority is given to those who live nearest the school, calculated on the basis of a straight-line measurement between home and school.

Children with an EHC Plan are required to be admitted to the school that is named in their plan.  This gives such children overall priority for admission to the named school.  This is not an over subscription criterion.

Where parents are not happy with the school allocated they may appeal.  Arrangements exist for appeals to be heard by an independent panel.